Q) A pendulum swings through an angle of 30and describes an arc of 8.8 cm in length. Find the length of the pendulum.

Ans: Let’s draw a diagram and plot the given information.

(Note: your question will become clearer and your answer will never be wrong if you draw a diagram)

A pendulum swings through an angle of 30and describes an arc of 8.8 cm in length. CBSE 10th board important questions

We know that the circumference of a circle is = 2 π R

And length of an arc making angle of θ at centre = 2 π R (\frac{\theta}{360})

Here, we are given value of θ = 300 and arc length = 8.8 cm,

∴ 8.8 = 2 x (\frac{22}{7}) x R x (\frac{30}{360})

8.8 = 2 x (\frac{22}{7}) x r x (\frac{1}{12}) = R x \frac{11}{21}

R = \frac{8.8 \times 21}{11} = 16.8

Therefore the arc length is 16.8 cm.

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