Q) A train travels a distance of 90 km at a constant speed. Had the speed been 15 km/h more, it would have taken 30 minutes less for the journey. Find the original speed of the train.


Let’s consider the speed of the train is X km/hr.

Now, to cover distance of 90 km, it will take \frac9}{\times} hrs

Next, we are given that if speed is increased by 15 km/hr, then new speed will be: (X + 15) km/hr

Now, with this new speed, time taken to cover distance of 90 km, it will take \frac{90}{\times + 15} hrs

Given that, new time is 30 mins less i.e. \frac{1}{2} hr less than the present time.

\frac{90}{\times + 15} = \frac{90}{\times} - \frac{1}{2}

\frac{90}{\times + 15} = \frac{180 - \times}{2 \times}

∴ 180 X = (180 – X) ( X + 15)

∴ 180 X = 180 X – X2 + 2700 – 15 X

∴ X2 + 15 X – 2700 = 0

∴ X2 + 60 X – 45 X – 2700 = 0

∴ (X + 60) (X – 45) = 0

∴ X  = – 60, X = 45

Since, the speed can not be negative, We reject X = – 60. hence X = 405

Hence, the speed of the train is 45 km/hr.

Check: At 45 kmph, train will cover 90 km in \frac{90}{45} = 2 hrs.

By 15 kmph more, new speed is at 60 kmph, and train will take \frac{90}{60} = \frac{3}{2} hrs,

Since new time is \frac{1}{2} hr or 30 mins less than earlier – it matches the given condition. Hence, X = 45 kmph is correct.

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