
Q) Evaluate: 2 sin2 300 sec 600 + tan2 600 Ans: We need to find the value of: 2 sin2 300 sec 600 + tan2 600 We know that sin 300 = , sec 600 = 2, tan 600 =  √3 by substituting these values in the given expression, we get: 2 sin2 300 sec 600 + tan2 600 = 2 (

Evaluate: 2 sin 2 30 sec 60 + tan 2 60 Read More »

Q) Evaluate: Ans: We need to find the value of: We know that cos 45 = , sec 30 = , cosec 30 = 2 by substituting these values in the given expression, we get: =  = = = …. Answer or to further simplify, we can multiply and divide the expression by (√3 –

Evaluate: cos 45 / (sec 30 + cosec 30) Read More »

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