Q. Is it possible to design a rectangular park of perimeter 80m and the area  400 m2? If so, find the length and breadth.


Let’s consider the length of rectangular as X m and width as Y m.

By given 1st condition, its perimeter is 80m

\therefore 2(X + Y) = 80

\therefore X + Y = 40

\therefore X = 40 - Y

By given 2nd condition, its area is 400 m2

\therefore X Y = 400 …. (ii)

By substituting value of X from equation (i) into equation (ii), we get:

X Y = 400

\therefore (40 - Y) (Y) = 400

\therefore Y ^2 - 40 Y + 400 = 0

\therefore (Y - 20)^2 = 0

\therefore Y = 20

By substituting value of X in equation (i), we get:

X = 40 -  Y

\therefore X = 40 - 20 = 20

Therefore, the length of the rectangular park is 20 m and breadth is 20 m.

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