Q) The product of Rehan’s age (in years) 5 years ago and his age 7 years from now, is one more than twice his present age. Find his present age.

Ans: Let’s consider Rehan’s present age is X.

Age 5 years ago = X – 5

Age 7 years from now = X + 7

Product of these 2 points: (X – 5) ( X + 7)

By given condition, (X – 5) (X + 7) – 1 = 2 x

∴ X2 + 2 X – 35 – 1 = 2 X

∴ X2 = 36

∴ X  = 6, – 6

∵ Age can not be negative, ∴ Value of X \neq – 6,

∴ X = 6

Therefore, Rehan’s present age is 6.

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